National and International Days - Centralized Citizen Hub

Importance of World Music Day

Importance of World Music Day

Every year on June 21, World Music Day is observed to praise artists and singers for the gift of music, which gives the imagination wings and life to everything. Many people would find no purpose in a world without music, thus World Music Day is celebrated to honor the influence of this form of expression.

International Yoga Day

Following its establishment in the United Nations General Assembly in 2014, the International Day of Yoga has been observed on June 21 every year since 2015. Ancient India is where yoga, a physical, mental, and spiritual practice, first emerged. The date of June 21 was proposed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his UN address in 2014 since it is the longest day of the year in the Northern

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Guru Arjan Dev Martyrdom Day

India commemorates Guru Arjan Dev Sahib's martyrdom on June 16 each year. It's a day set aside to remember and honour the life of spiritual leader Guru Arjan Dev, who gave his life in service to the Sikh community. Every year, people mark this festival by reading the Sikh holy book from beginning to end.

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Building Strong Support for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization established World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) at the UN. By increasing awareness of the cultural, social, economic, and demographic factors that influence elder abuse and neglect, WEAAD aims to give communities throughout the world a chance to promote a better understanding of this issue.

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Eassy on World Day Against Child Labor

Every year, June 12 is observed as International Day Against Child Labor in an effort to stop child labour. The International Labor Organization initially established it in 2002 with the intention of raising public awareness regarding child labour. This day unites people from all around the world each year to discuss the problem of child labour and what can be done to eliminate it from our society

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Essay on International Day of Innocent child Victims of Aggression

The United Nations observes the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Violence on June 4 each year. It was founded on August 19, 1982. Its original mission was to honor those who perished in the 1982 Lebanon War, but it later broadened to "acknowledge the agony endured by children across the world who are the victims of physical, mental, and emotional abuse."

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World Bicycle Day

The 3rd of June has been designated as World Bicycle Day by the UN General Assembly. Every year on June 3rd, people all around the world commemorate World Bicycle Day, sometimes referred to as International Bicycle Day. Several various events and activities are held across the world to commemorate World Bicycle Day.

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